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decca tree

Stereo Recording - the Decca Tree technique

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Submitted by paulears on

I've done my first Decca Tree recording

In all the years I've been recording, Decca Trees have been a mystery to me. I've been at sessions where they were used and the amount of hardware up in the air was daunting, but with a bit of effort, I've done one - in a venue with less that wonderful acoustics, and the effort was worth it!

Decca tree stereo mic set-up with three omnis

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Submitted by anonymous on


I am new to this forum and wanted to ask if it is possible to use two different brands when recording with three omnis in a stereo decca tree set-up?

I want to use two Sanken omnis for the sides and one spot Earthworks mic in the middle.

They all have a flat frequency response.

Hanging a decca tree

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Submitted by FifthCircle on

Has anybody done this?

I usually use Decca trees in session situations where mic stands don't matter. However, I just got 2 more omnis to add to the collection which means I can do a Decca tree and flanks. I have some gigs on the horizon where this would probably sound pretty awesome, but I need to be able to hang my microphones.

AT4060 as Decca Tree?

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Submitted by John Stafford on


I thought it would be a good idea to put this in a new thread after reading your post on the Small Format Mic Stand thread.

It's an interesting idea to use AT4060s in a Decca Tree. I have always considered this mic to behave like a wide cardioid in its pickup from the front, but ordinary cardioid from behind.

That Nasty Decca Tree thing - again

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Submitted by MicHead on

First thanks to all who responded to my first inquiry on the theory of the Decca Tree (previous posting). The information has carried me into the practical configurations of the the tree in use. Now, I would like to know if anyone can show me or direct me to the calculations underlying the determination of the spacings used for the tree's setup.

Decca Tree with mk21

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Submitted by anonymous on


Looks like I will be helping out with a symphony recording soon and the plan is to use a Decca Tree with Schoeps mk21's. I have read discussions of the Decca Tree where people suggest aiming the 'front' of the omni mics inward/downward towards the orchestra. The reason given for this is that even omnis become directional at higher frequencies.