Recording Drum Room Mics: Mid/Side Configuration
Recording Drum Room Mics: Mid/Side Configuration
Recording Drum Room Mics: Mid/Side Configuration
Not all of us have a big drum room but still wants to record real drums. This little tip will help simulate a room mic being far away in a big room... It works if you record with 1 or 2 room mic. Let me know how it works for you when you test it or if it's already this way that you do it !
I would like some feedback. I just finished an iso room in my studio to track in. I’m a drummer and I will never have the square foot or height to track ambient drums. I’m ok with that and I’m fine with adding room post tracking. I guess the biggest challenge I face is getting the drums sound big enough for hard rock/metal projects.
this is pretty cool, I wish the clips were longer but pretty remarkable difference among rooms. Also insteresting to me was they used and RME/ISA 828 combination. This is similar to @pcrecord marcos setup I believe. Man does that big room sound and look spectacular imho!
Hi all,
I'm building a drum studio in my garden. It is purpose built, and completely detached from any other building. I have a double stud construction already in position, formatted to make a two-leaf assembly. I will have outer, external layer, insulation, air-gap (1 inch), insulation, inner board, and it's the inner board I'm asking about.
Ok so I understand that many professional studios use big open wooden rooms to record drums in to get a more punchy sound. I happened to come across an article that said if you go out and buy plywood to put over the walls (and floor if there's carpet) that it will help achieve something close to that sound you can achieve in the professional studio.
I've got a potential recording session coming up with a heavy a-la SevenDust band. I recorded them years ago when I didn't know what I was doing at all. Now I certainly know enough to be dangerous. My actual studio space is small. 7 foot ceiling and only 13 x 22.
Hey guys, Right now I'm trying to record drums, but I just cant get the sound I'm looking for. My kit is in a 10x11 room with heavy foam and blankets. The rest of my house is completely open. I was thinking of moving my drums to the living room. OK, so heres my question, does the room really have a big effect on a close miked drum kit? Should I move my kit to record?