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electric guitars

Mahogany vs. . Basswood For Guitar Body

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Submitted by kmetal on

Hey everyone,

I'm looking into buying a 'beater' guitar to mess around with while my house is under re-model, and I'm assembling the first phase of my remote recording rig, website, etc. i also want to use it to learn soldering and guitar mods on. needless to say, i already feel bad for the guitar. lol.

Electric Guitars

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hey All.

My last guitar purchase was an Ibanez RG prestige, which has left me struggling to afford a really good amp any time soon.

I have an awesome PC setup though, and I'm basically looking at how to get the best possible tone using plugins.

I've been recording with Guitar Rig, which is a great program, but I'm only getting OK results, nothing special.

Heavy electric guitars, need advice.

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Submitted by anonymous on

I've been recording a lot of stuff lately just to get the hang of it. I'm basically building my songs, orchestrating them if you like. I'm gonna re-record everything once everything is finished, good guitar sound is not something I'm after right now. Besides there's lots of advice on the forums just for that. Now I have this little question for you guys.

Mic technique for recording electric guitars

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi I'm new in this forum and I wanted to know if you can seek advice a good mic technique for electric guitars so much clean as distorted.

I should record a guitarist (I am used Steve Vai) and I would like you to advise me that mics to use for the recording (1 or 2 mics) and that mics position should use.

Also some mix tricks for the guitars