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Eliminating room sound from a field recording

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Submitted by Blacklab on

I'm using a field recording of speech that was recorded in a very bright lively room. There's a lot of this room sound on the recording and wonder if anyone has some recommendations for getting rid of some of that room sound and retaining a pretty "natural" sound. In other words, I'm trying to make a very "roomy" recording sound deader.



Eliminating Fingerpicking "Pops"

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Submitted by anonymous on

I want to bring in a ukelele fingerpicking part but it seems as though no matter where I put the mic (I only have one) the string-plucking attack rings out very strong, resulting in a kind of percussive artifact. I've tried moving away and turning up the gain to no avail.

My setup:

Shure KSM27 Mic

M-Audio FireWire 410 Interface

Eliminating noise with Balanced Power

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Submitted by Mercuri on

Has anyone here had any experience with using balanced power transformers to get clean power to their entire setup? I'm looking at units from Furman and Equi=tech but I'm new to the area. I have 60Hz hum running through my lines like mad and I don't want to filter it out because of the entailed signal degradation.