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StudioLive 16.4.2 and express card firewire interface

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Submitted by nuestro on

Hello, friends!

I'm newbie here but I have recording audio by years..

I'm thinking about use a presonuns StudioLive16.4.2 (or 2 linked units) with a dual core notebook that have not a firewire port so I would buy a firewire express card.

Does anybody knows if these firewire express cards are ok with the studiolives?

FW400 or FW800 to PCMCIA or ExpressCard Slot

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Submitted by Cucco on

Hey guys -

Anybody know of a specific (Brand and Model) board which works well? I prefer the TI chipset, but have found that the RME Fireface is less picky than others, so any one that works solidly would be great!

Basically, I think I'll need a ExpressCard to FW400 or FW800 adapater such as the one located at this link: