Your Best Purchase decision..?
Ok Fats had a good one with the worst purchase decisions...Mine was probably the first PC I bought from a Comp USA like 10 years ago...I told the sales guy I wanted to do digital audio...he pointed me to a PI 286
Ok Fats had a good one with the worst purchase decisions...Mine was probably the first PC I bought from a Comp USA like 10 years ago...I told the sales guy I wanted to do digital audio...he pointed me to a PI 286
:confused: I have just recently built a project studio in a 2000 sqr/ft lot. The partition wall between my studio and the shop next (I am in a strip mall ) was said to be 14" wide - staggererd studs 5/8 drywall with insulation. To achieve an STC of 55 we built on accordingly. As it turns out the wall between me and the next door is roughly 8" - not on staggered studs but with insulation.
Hey, I'd seen this site on the net and decided I'd try and build 'em (see links below). It took my wife and I a day to build two 6'X14" traps. I can hardly believe how much of a difference it has made in the sound of my booth... it has just sucked out the mud. I pulled the trap out a couple of times just to check it out... man, what a difference. And the best part...
Hello neighbors,
Anybody using ceiling/rear wall diffusors in their control room? I've seen ART, VIBRANT, and RPG designs... anbody using other brands or have experience with these?
how necessary is it and why?
I'm using the dm24 along with Sonar and has metering, but I see it also can add a meter bridge.
being very green to all this ain't helping me much...
I mean I can grasp the initial concept but...
thanks again
Hi, I have my own small studio (PT24 5.1/88824/) and where I live it's a excellent option because of the price range and the advantages it gave me over other studios in the area.
Right now i'm doing SORT of Mastering, i mean I'm not a mastering engineer but here there are no options around so I took the advantage and I'm almost the only option around.
Ok folks..the third installment of our ever so popular discussion! PC BUILDING! YAY! WOOHOO! HIP HIP HOORAY!...ok, I'll calm down now! lol
So, we talked about Mainboards, CPU's, Power Supplies, how to configure the drives and CDROM's and Floppy we talk ABOUT the Hard Drives and CDROM's
I don't know if this belongs here or not... It's kind of a follow up to the "Gear means nothing" thread... in a way.
I'm finding that I'm really loosing a LOT of additional income by strictly being a mobile service.