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fab dupont

Fab Dupont - receives 4 nominations - South African Music Award Ceremony

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 17:39

Kudo's Fab.

Wednesday 18th, FAB is flying to Johannesburg to attend the South African Music Award Ceremony. Freshlyground's album 'Radio Africa' which FAB produced and mixed, has received 4 nominations for this year's best AC album, best song, best engineer and best video.

Summing - What track sounds better to you?

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 14:16

Welcome to our new forum, Track Talk.
I'll kick it off.

The piano isn't the best but the player makes up for it :) I have Sage, my 13 year old playing a few bars of Tarantella for us.
It is the exact same performance, just summed differently. Nice fast attacks for this comparison.

What track do you prefer?

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De-essing a Choir

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/02/2012 - 21:51

The room is really live with some wild hot spots. I did much better this year, I'm pretty happy with my recording but would love some help to be better on the sibilance now. These sss are impossible to take out. I could hear them live and know this is a common thing for choirs but I'm sure you guys can do better here. I ran a de-esser but can I do better. What tools do you use?

Manufacturers - Show me the factory!

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Submitted by BobRogers on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 18:05

I was noticing a new XXXXX microphone introduced at NAMM (which looks cool). I didn't remember too much about the company, so I went searching. Where are their mics manufacured? What is the process? Well, maybe I'm not doing a good search, but I didn't find out right away - long enough that I got bored and decided to write this post.