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Audio Mastering FAQ

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Submitted by AudioFan on

Hi! Nice to find this forum... It seems a little quiet here so I thought I'd contribute with a cool article for Mastering noobs that I published a few weeks ago. I hope it's OK to post it here:

Enjoy and feel free to comment!

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Mastering FAQ

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hey guys,

This is probs gonna be a stupid question but I can't seem to find a answer to the obvious.

Right, so have recorded all the tracks that I need for the song. I have applied the appropriate EQ, Compression, Effects etc to the tracks and have Mixed them to my taste.

Soundscape FAQ

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hello everybody

Let`s start in the first part just with technical facts:

You get 16 buses with a SSHDR 1 (I think you get 32 with the Red but that makes no difference) and 4 analog/digital outs and 2 ins plus 1 TDIF (for the Red you got 3 TDIFs).

The SSHDR 1 can do 12 tracks, the regular Red 32 tracks and the Red24, guess what, 24 right.