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figure 8

Figure-8 Mics, ribbons and 48V Phantom Power

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Submitted by paulears on Thu, 03/24/2022 - 04:25

I'd read a few internet posts over the past few weeks about ribbons, and they pulled up the old advice about destroying them with phantom power, so I did a little Googling and also noted many newcomers to recording really didn't ever come across fig-8 pattern mics at all - so I've been doing a few videos and did one featuring just a bit of chat about fig-8 patterns and a little demo of how they

Figure 8 mic

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Submitted by Tony Carpenter on Sat, 01/28/2017 - 03:55

Hi guys,

Not sure how it really happened, but I've never added a figure 8 capable mic to my locker. Still love my original At4033a and my original NT2 RODE . Now I've another RODE , NT2a. Looking forward to testing this as a room mic for acoustic guitar.


Figure 8

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/08/2010 - 11:17

A microphone polar pattern whereby the capsule is most sensitive to sound sources from the front and back equally, but sounds from the sides of the microphone are rejected. Sometime referred to as bi-directional. Also describes certain antenna patterns, such as that of a dipole.


Micing techniques using Figure-8 Ribbons...

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 01/15/2006 - 19:05

I've got a pair of Royer R-121's on the way (to play with before I make the financial leap to a SF-1.) I've used Figure-8 (on a pair of Shure KSM44 LDC) in Blumlein, half a MS rig, and as a semi coincident pair.

I've got both choral and organ gigs this week where I can experiment a big (supplement the main rig.)

Blumlein figure 8 mic suggestions

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/04/2005 - 10:40

I am going to record a church choir and wanted to capture the ambiance of the room. I gathered from other posts that a Blumlein setup would work well for this, as I do not want a complicated setup with lots of mics placed all over the place. Does anybody have a recommendation for a good bi directional mic?

Some names that I have come across are