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focusrite red

millenna stt-1 or Focusrite isa 430 or Focusrite red 7 ?

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Submitted by Gabriel Sousa on


i have a Manley gold mic.

and i would like to know whats the best preamp for that mic.

i wanna a transparente, clear, open and super big sound.

i have the 3D Pre CD Volume 1, Preamps in Paradise-Preamp Summit DVD-ROM, 3D Mic CD and ADCD Converter CD . :)

Focusrite Red 3

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Submitted by Cucco on

Okay - follow up to my question re: the ELOP.

How about the Focusrite Red 3 as a mastering compressor/limiter? I found one lcoally here that I can get in mint condition for around $1800.

I'm very familiar with the sound of the Red series and I do like it, I just don't like the lack of detents.


Focusrite Red 1 / Focusrite ISA 428

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Submitted by anonymous on

4 channel pre packs that I'm sure many of you are familiar with.

Do any of you have any experience A/B'ing these two side by side? I'm interested in recording rock-n-roll bands and these would be for drums/guitar. Probably SM57s/AT kick mic going in to them, running the kick/snare/toms and guitar cabs.