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Ryzen 3000 series closes performance gap with Intel

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Submitted by kmetal on

With its latest release, AMD has closed the performance gap with Intel. The differences apples to apples (core for core) are negligible now.

This means Intel will have to drop prices to stay competitive, and AMD Ryzen is now not only a no compromise option in performance, its a clear winner in performance per dollar.

gap between mixing and mastering?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi ya folks I have just recently dived into recording my music at home. I record vocals and "some" guitar at home through a AT 4050 mic, RNP preamp, and Echo Mia soundcard. The rest of the music is done at a local studio. I have to say that the quality and fidelity I get from my signal chain is really amazing.

Red Book CDs - 2s gap too long

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Submitted by anonymous on

Pardon my inexperience... I want to "master" my own project for now... is there a way to produce a red book compliant CDR with less than 2 sec. gaps between tracks? (Old guys - remember LZep's Heartbreaker/Livin'Lovin'Maid segue?). Can this be done in compliance with Red Book. I'm using Sonic Foundry's CD Architect and it seems to require 2s.
