guitar amps

By Earthless, Sun, 09/24/2017 - 01:12


1.Im looking into buying a tube amp for home practice and maybe some recording in my apartment.
Many new amps comes with speaker emulated output for recording purpose.
So when using this output will the amp speaker itself be silenced? (So that i can crank up the volume, for recording purpose, without waking the neighbours)

By One Flight Up, Fri, 04/01/2016 - 06:07

Hey all,

A friend of mine made some great video demos of 4 vintage guitar amps from the 50's/60's. Recorded in the studio with front and back mics, a hint of compression and light reverb. Details in the article.

By Eddy90, Sun, 02/14/2016 - 19:56

I know this may be a beginners question but I am fairly new to recording so I bare no shame lol. I was talkin to the support people for my interface (Focusrite scarlett solo) and the guy told me in order to plug my amp into my interface I needed to use either line out left or line out right.

By Rufio90210, Thu, 05/14/2015 - 23:22


Currently using garageband and a bit underwhelmed by the guitar amp simulators. Im not in an environment where I can mic an amp up so need to find something good.

By JoshHPMusic, Mon, 02/25/2013 - 17:59

Hi, just wondering what difference it makes where and when levels are turned up and down int he recording chain. Is it best to turn a guitar amp up a ton, and then turn the track down in my DAW, or to have the amp lower, and turn the volume up more in the DAW. And for Micing vocals, is it best to turn the microphone preamp way up, and then the track level down in the DAW, or vice versa?

By davifp, Wed, 07/18/2012 - 17:05

Hi guys!

A few days ago I heard a engineer saying that the best way to record the guitar amp is putting the cabinet (speaker) up something like a rack, chair, etc.

Is it really true?
Is there some acoustic problem on this?

Thanks everyone, and sorry for my english.


By anonymous, Mon, 03/26/2012 - 08:35


my band and I have decided that we're going to record a few of our own songs to have something to put up on youtube, myspace etc. Since we don't have the hardware or cash for a proper studio, we decided to create a poor-mans studio using my digital bass-pedal (which acts as a soundcard when connected to a computer). The idea was to hook it up like this:

By AnalogAndyNYC, Sat, 01/21/2012 - 16:55

Hey guys. I've been getting a crackly hum from my guitar amp. When I start adding compression to the mix the noise shoots through the roof. I've been told that I need to use a power conditioner instead of plugging the amp straight into the wall. Is this correct?