Tips on guitar cabinet micing
I like the R121, 57 combo and want to perfect this for myself so I thought this thread would be timely since we are talking about phase issues and ribbon mics here as well. https://recording.o…
I like the R121, 57 combo and want to perfect this for myself so I thought this thread would be timely since we are talking about phase issues and ribbon mics here as well. https://recording.o…
On my 2 X 12 guitar cabinet, the speakers are quite deep. I wonder if anyone here has any experience taking the grill off and loading a mic much closer to the cone. Is there any benefit to such an approach?
Hey, I'm new to these forums.
I'm also new to recording. I've got a pretty basic set up. A Marshall AVT 50 amp, a Yamaha UW500 interface, an SM57 and a Pod XT.
Ironically, I have recorded friends bands and my own band that have half stacks with huge live sounds, using top of the line hughes and kettner, Mesa Boogie, and Peavy amps and cabs. Most of this is rock, hardcore, metal. etc. They sound HUGE live, talk about a show in a coffee shop.
I have a stereo guitar cabinet with a 2 X 12 speakers driven by a stereo tube amp. I am thinking of stereo Micing using a pair of SM57 - one on each speaker.
Hello Folks,
I am currently Micing my 2 X 12 cabinet using a SM57. I am using a Focusrite Twintrak Pro Preamp. From the preamp, I am routing it to my BOSS BR1180 and the output then goes to a small mixer which in turn feeds my Event TR8 monitors.