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guitar cabinets

Observation on Micing electric guitar cabinets.

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Submitted by jm2 on Sun, 11/30/2008 - 10:24

A short time ago, I posted a question about the necessity of recording electric guitar at high SPL (something I had read many times). The responses were in agreement, and several reasons were given as to why a miced guitar amp records better at loud volumes, including the stress of maxed out speakers and tubes.

Micing guitar cabinets - Kustom 16W vs. . Mesa Boogie Triple Rect

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Submitted by hxckid88 on Thu, 03/15/2007 - 18:18

Ironically, I have recorded friends bands and my own band that have half stacks with huge live sounds, using top of the line hughes and kettner, Mesa Boogie, and Peavy amps and cabs. Most of this is rock, hardcore, metal. etc. They sound HUGE live, talk about a show in a coffee shop.

Recording guitar cabinets - post production

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 21:35

Hey guys, I'm looking for advice on recording guitar cabs, mainly in regards to production... compression, eq, etc... I have my mic placements and things figured out and everything, but I can't seem to get a really powerful sound.. what do the pros do when they record guitars?

Any advice is appreciated.


Guitar cabinets

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 05/21/2005 - 09:58

What is a good price for a 4 x 12 cabinet? I hear the celestions are still what most guys want, as far as speakers. But the cabinet I was looking at is a Hughes & Kettner cc 412 wa, it sells new for $1300. It that way too much? Or is this a case of, you get what you pay for?

Multible micing, on guitar cabinets?

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Submitted by golli on Fri, 12/19/2003 - 20:50

I've been reading a lot lately :roll: , about Micing guitar cabinets.
And when the pros talk of their favorite Micing techniqes, it involves finding the best speaker and put their favorite mics on it and deal with the phase issues. Is'nt it more logical to put the mics on separate speaker cones, to honor the 3-1 rule and be free from phase problems?