What's your favorite Hafler studio monitors?
in my search for an affordable, quality power amp to run my old yorkville YSM1s i have narrowed down to the Hafler p-1500 (or maybe the p-1000) and the ART SLA-1. The SLA-1 is the recommended match for the YSM1s (made by the same company, duh). both have had good reviews. any suggestions either way?
i might also try to repair this old bryton 3b up for sale in my area.
BM6 passive speakers and [1] Hafler P4000 Studio Amplifer. This equipment was used in an Avid Symphony Suite. Absolutely perfect condition. Speakers have wall mounts. New, the speakers were $1800 and the amp was $675
Dude is selling it for $1000 even.
Good deal? Im looking for good speakers and was shopping between BM6a's and Event 2020s.
I found Hafler M5 monitors for 130. I was not aware of Hafler as monitor people. Does anyone have any experience with these?
Thanks for everyone who gave me advice on my newbie home recording equipment.
Thanks (zemlin, sdevino, Cucco, ShellTones, Randyman)
I want to know what do you think about the Mackie and the hafler monitors, which ones is better then the other
Has anyone had the chance to do AB comparison between these speakers ?
I made a few listenings with the 824's, but when I heard the Hafler I was truly amazed, I felt like the speakers had vanished and the music (and sound) was now revealed to me with better image, depth and clarity then ever before, detail without the harshness of cheaper monitors.