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Creating Impulse Responses using MS Micing technique.

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Submitted by ThirdBird on

So, I sometimes use the SIR1 plugin for reverb (its free!). It takes impulse responses of different locations around the world to simulate reverb. You can even make your own, which I did. I took a pair of SDC's and recorded them in XY inside a giant staircase in my school. It sounds pretty cool.

Who wants 5150/Recto cab Impulses?

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Submitted by Guitarfreak on
I've been experimenting with making cabinet impulses and I like the way this came out so I am going to give this away. Included are 5 different impulse files to open in your favorite impulse loader. Chain is 5150 power amp with Winged =C= power tubes, Boogie Recto cab with standard Mesa V30's, and a single Shure SM57.

Where to put convulution impulse responses...

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Submitted by fourone3 on

I picked up a Waves bundle a little while back and never used the included convolution reverb.

I thought I'd actually give it a try, but wasn't sure where it would be best to put the impulse responses - the OS drive or my audio drive.

Where is it typically stored? Does it actually matter?

Thanks :D