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Clipping with the Scarlett internal preamp

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Submitted by PunkRocker on

HI all, I have a Scarlett 18i8 that I bought so that I could mic my drums which it does fine but I noticed that when I went to mic my vocals I clip with the louder decibels. I haven't really experimented with compression and/or limiters) I ventured and bought a better mic to solve the problem. Not the best but a nice AKG C314 . But I'm still clipping when my vocals start to rise in volume.

Solid State 2-Channel Preamp, 1RU, Internal PS,

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Submitted by bouldersound on

With the proliferation of cheap starved-plate tube gear I'm finding it hard to track down a decent affordable solid state 2-channel mic preamp. As much as I regret letting go of my SX202 it wouldn't satisfy my current needs. Does anyone know of something decent under $300 with an internal power supply (no wall wart) in a 1RU chassis (no rack trays or accessory rack ears needed)?

mixing and mastering WITH PT: RTD via more aux track via internal busses or BTD

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Submitted by alidav on

on a lynda PT TUTORIAL, the guy there says that the most common way to DOWNmix is bounce to disk, BUT LATER the right way to make mastering is via the internal busing and recording a new track, he pass before recording via 2 aux tracks and use one compressor on first aux step and a limiter on the second aux step, do you share this workflow?

is PLEXTOR - L890SA Internal DVD good enough for Mastering?

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Submitted by Trex on

Please let me know what you think about this PLEXTOR - L890SA?

I need a slow burning drive with the PlexUTILITIES for mastering. This one comes with it and it's not expensive.

i know that a slow mastering burning at x2 or x4 is good, this one i'm not sure if it goes below x8?

Can i use this Plextor? Can anybody recommend or help me with this?

how can i record internal sounds with pro tools,,,,or reason

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm looking to know how to record internal sounds from my computer using pro tools,, like say from a dvd?

iv been looking all over net for a solution but cant find one,,,,

I'm doing a college project and need to record certain sounds and dialog from a DVD but cant seem to get it,,,I'm using pro tools 8 and on windows 7

Recomend a good internal SATA harddrive for G5?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hello. I'm gunna buy a big second internal harddrive, 300-500GB. 16MB buffer. For my G5 so its gotta be SATA150 i think.

I want a quiet one coz basically any noises piss me off. i bought some cheap ones years ago and clicked a lot. And wished i'd spent a couple more bucks.

Any recomendations?

be well all : )