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Langevin Dual Vocal Combo or Focusrite ISA 428?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi everyone,

Some of you might remember a thread I posted a while ago about spending US$4000 on preamps. Turns out I'll only have half that money for 6 months, and I have a CD to record that must be out by December.

So, I can only buy one of the pres we discussed, and they were the Langevin Dual Vocal Combo and the Focusrite ISA428.

AMEK 9098 Eq vs. . Focusrite ISA 220 vs. . Langevin DVC

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi guys,

I am using Soundcraft Ghost as my main preamp for recording of acoustic instruments. I want to improve my the sound quality. I need a very high-endpreamp for most of my acoustic work. For this I short list AMEK 9098 Eq, Focusrite ISA 220, Langevin DVC. Please suggest me the best one for the highest quality.

thanks and regard