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I'm Making A Beat with Fruity Loops ? About BASS

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/28/2007 - 18:40

I have a question about making bass with FL Studio.

I use boobass, and I put it the mixer of FL Studio.
I play it on my KRK monitor speakers and it sounds great, but when export the file into an mp3 file and play it on regular car or computer speakers, I can't hear the bass a lot.

Samples vs. . loops?

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/20/2006 - 06:52

I just purchased two "sample libraries." To my sursprise it was not what I expected. It was all just single sounds of instruments, I wanted different guitar riffs. I know when I go on the computer and type in sample's on a search engine or e bay I get to hear examples (short melodies) and they are all different riffs. How are you supposed to know the difference when makiing a purchase?

minimoog and fruityloops

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 08:18

I have some compositions just about completed in fruityloops. My problem is that some of the instances of minimoog won't allow me to turn up the volume. I have minimoog running as a DXi plugin and when i open it from fruityloops the volume is way to low. I can turn it up and save it in on the minimoog but it goes back down as soon as i press play in fruityloops.