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Whats wrong with my recording? Audio-Technica AT2035 + Lexicon Alpha

I just purchased a Audio-Technica AT2035
and Lexicon Alpha Preamp/Interface whichever one
but when I try to record with records the right stereo only, and doesnt record in mono
So what could be my problem
I have a NADY SMPS phantom to power the mic btw

Please help in any way


Hey! Newbie here! I'm having trouble with an interface I recently bought for about a hundred dollars at a local music store. It fit all of my qualifications; I really just need an XLR cable for my Shure SM-57 (that I use purely for vocals) and a 1/4th inch cable for my guitar, bass and the box I use for drum mics (long story, not apart of this problem).

Cubase, win 7, Lexicon Alpha and Yikes! Only Sounds From the little laptop speakers

Hello and its good to be here!

The system runs well, and all so if I go direct through the laptop mic out, all is good, but I try and get sound though the Alpha via the headphone out to my main speakers, nothing, just plays though the little laptop speakers. All OTHER system sounds etc play just fine via the Alpha - GREAT! NOT!

Lexicon Alpha help

Honestly, I hate jumping on a forum with my first post and immediately getting picked on for not knowing much about this, but i need some help with recording.

Just to start things off, here's my current setup:
-Custom Built PC (originally for games)
Phenom II x3 Processor @ 3.2GHz
8GB DDR3-1333 Crucial RAM
Using Cubase LE5 or Sonar 8


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