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Studio equipment maintenance in the DC area?

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Submitted by hp1xbg on

I have a Sountracs DPCII in my studio that needs some TLC and was wondering if anyone knew of someone qualified in the DC area to come take a look at it? There are a few faders that give me headaches sometimes and some of the line outs (could be happening at the MADI racks, patchbay, or board itself) have ceased to work reliably.

MCI JH-24 maintenance

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Submitted by fabmusic on

I work at my fathers studio. He owns a MCI JH-24, for a while it was not used much due to the inconvenience, but it sounds really good, and we are wanting to use it more. He has asked me to look into what kind of maintenance work needs to be done on it. So I am asking if anyone can refer me to any sort of text or the equivalent so i can figure out how to keep this thing in good shape.:cool:

ADAT preventative maintenance

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Submitted by anonymous on

Kurt-you have guided me through my studio so far. .THANKS! next question. .what are a few simple things to do or know about for care of my ADAT's? I always put the tapes up after recording, and that's about all I know. Any suggestions? also, what REALLY is a good way to keep the heads happy for the longest time possible?

Pop Filter Maintenance

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Submitted by e-cue on

Recently I've noticed some extremely ratty, smelly, funky, ranked out, pop filters. Went down to the 99 cent store & bought a couple packages of hosery and "upgraded" the current pop filter (I'm sure I'm not the 1st person to do this). It doesn't smell now, and there's less chance of spreading germs.