New dirt-cheap tube mic from Marshall: MXL V69

Submitted by k.w.blackwell on Thu, 02/07/2002 - 14:34

Some of you might have noticed Marshall had a newer mic out not long ago named the MXL V69, a tube mic listing at $399 and being sold by some for under $300. The official Marshall web site had some incredible (literally) specs for the thing, include single digit self noise. Such incredulity was bluntly expressed on RAP not long ago.

very loud Marshall head

Submitted by crazy_guitar on Tue, 01/08/2002 - 22:19

Hi, I have a Marshall JCM800 100w! and I love the cranked up sound, but its just TOO LOUD! I heard from a guy that you can take 2 out of the 4 power tubes out, (you can only take out the ones on the sides, or the 2 in the middle). And he says it works, but Im wondering if taking 2 power tubes out will ruin my amazing marshall sound that I get now, or will it just make it different wattage?

Marshall MXL-V67G vs. . Studio Projects C1

Submitted by harveygerst on Mon, 06/11/2001 - 07:47

Bottom line; the'yre pretty damn close to each other in sound. The Studio Projects C1 is a little hotter (about 2 dB more output), and a little quieter (again, by about 2 dB). Overall, the frequency response is very similar, with maybe a -1dB shelf around 800 to 1,000 Hz on the Studio Projects C1. The Marshall MXL-V67G sounds slightly fuller, but again by a very small amount.

Marshall 603s

Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/28/2001 - 05:51

This was going to be a private e-mail to Harvey, but I decided to make it an open letter here instaed.

I hope you aren't sick of this subject and/or question Harvey. I have been off the 'net for several weeks and I know this has probably been covered before but...