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midi clock

Transmitting Midi Clock data in Reason Essentials to Alesis SR16 drum machine

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Submitted by rocker73 on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:38

I want to transmit midi clock data to my SR16 drum machine so that when i hit record on the transport control and get a 2 bar count in my drum machine
kicks in on time after the 2 bar count so i can record it.

I can do this in Pro Tools easy, but am really struggling for some reason in reason essentials.

Please help!

MIDI Clock

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 12:15

I have Pro Tools 7 and the digi 002 with a Mac G4. I also have Cubase SL on a second G4 with its own MIDI (MidiSport 2x2).

I need to sync these two systems via MIDI clock (or another sync system that works). I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what to do.

Do I need to get another software or hardware MIDI clock? Can I have Pro Tools be the clock?

Can't get the MTP A/V to distribute midi clock/sync.

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Submitted by dabmeister music on Tue, 03/23/2004 - 13:30

Has anyone experienced this before using a MOTU MTP? I have no problems w/ midi data, just the midi clock distribution. So for the time being, I've substituted using the midi I/O from my Layla card. Ended up having to daisy chain everything that uses midi clock, which was no problem. Has anyone run into this senario yet? :?