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moto mtp

Using Roland R8 MKII successfully with MOTU MTP AV USB

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Submitted by anonymous on

am trying to utilize my Roland R8 MKII Human Rhythm Composer with my DAW and I have the MIDI out of it connected to my MOTU MIDI Timepiece AV USB. I am getting a constant fluttering red led whenever I have it inserted into the MTP. I tried moving it to various ports but still, the same problem.

Can you use a MTP A/V as a master clock generator?

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Submitted by dabmeister music on

Right now I don't have any issues pertaining to clocking, but I'd like to find out if one could use the "word clock out" connection (on the MTP A/V) to sync and stablize other devices within a DAW? Such as multiple soundcards, digital mixers, samplers or anything that accepts word clock. Or is the Digital Time Piece more suited for this task?

Can't get the MTP A/V to distribute midi clock/sync.

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Submitted by dabmeister music on

Has anyone experienced this before using a MOTU MTP? I have no problems w/ midi data, just the midi clock distribution. So for the time being, I've substituted using the midi I/O from my Layla card. Ended up having to daisy chain everything that uses midi clock, which was no problem. Has anyone run into this senario yet? :?

Sync issues with an aging MOTU MTP A/V

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Submitted by dabmeister music on

Has anyone experienced some sync issues with the MTP A/V ? If I try and run or distribute midi sync, the slave devices seem to "double time" or something to that nature. To avoid this, I have the option of distributing it from one of my Layla sound cards. It really is'nt an issue but I was curious find out what this could be. Anyone have any suggestions ? :confused: