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Started With An MBox2 & Now Onto...

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Submitted by djpraz3 on Sun, 10/23/2011 - 16:31

I started a while back using M-Audio and I liked it for a while, started with a Fast Track then got an MBox2 with a PreSonus Mic Amp and I've always used a Macbook Pro.

I've been going to school for Audio about a year now and using the equipment there is so much better and has made the MBox2 look like a toy.

Mbox2 or Mbox2 Pro

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Submitted by Mack on Fri, 12/25/2009 - 23:51

I have been playing keyboards in bands and in my home studio for more years than I care to admit. tried the cheap road in recording. Had probs with a Tascam 2488 and now looking at Pro Tools. I am surprized to read that one big advantage between the PT Mbx 2 and the Mbx 2 pro is the addition of the firewire. This aspect doesn't make sense to me.