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Pre-Master Mixdown db

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Submitted by anonymous on

What's a good db level to reach for during mixdown? I've been told by 2 different MEs on 2 different projects that my mixes were too loud, so it messed up the overall master. However, they didn't tell me what to aI'm for. I want to get the most out of my mixes during the mastering process. Help please.

midi mixdown techniques?

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Submitted by anonymous on

a question for the professionals, if i may...

okay, so you've finished your arrangement, a combination of midi and audio parts and you're about to start the actual mixing process. first you have to mixdown your midi to an audio track. i'm talking here about computer-based recording but i suppose the question would be the same for tape-based recording too.

I have $650 to spend on mixdown monitors. Any suggestions?

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Submitted by machina on

I need advice on buying a new set of studio monitors. I'll mainly be doing music mixidowns, and a little film post work and some light mastering jobs. Heres the catch...I don't want to spend over $650.

I'm seriously considering the Tannoy System 600 monitors.

Has anyone heard these? Dones anyone have any suggestions for monitors that would be better?


Nuendo and Pro Tools: OMF vs. . WAV Mixdown

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Submitted by anonymous on

hi...i have been doing all my projects using Nuendo...the studio where i want to get a final mix/mastering done only has Pro Tools...

i can do a mixdown of each track in WAV and open it in Pro Tools but i was wondering if there is an advantage of doing the mixdown in OMF (have never done OMF mixdowns so completely illiterate about that)...