JBL 4312
I was thinking about picking up a set of these primarily to use as 'listening' speakers but I wanted to get some thoughts on how they would work as monitors?
I was thinking about picking up a set of these primarily to use as 'listening' speakers but I wanted to get some thoughts on how they would work as monitors?
Hello all, relatively new to this field of music--long time listener, noob producer--anyways Im picking up a pair of Tannoy Reveal 601P's very soon.
Why quested is not popular as ADAM studio monitor?
Is it accurate and netural as compare with ADAM,ATC and PMC?
OK, I'm selling off a 40's vintage Gibson Lap Steel and matching amp to invest in some decent studio monitors. I'm figuring I'll have in the ball park of $800 - $1000 dollars to spend.
I have a pair of JBL 4312 monitors. Now, when I hear the term "near field" I assume you sit up close to them and generally think "smaller speakers". My JBL's are friggin huge to me and I have no clue at what range I am supposed to be sitting in respect to them. Near? Far? Who can tell. .
Last year I was working with BM6A and after love affair on the first bite I find myself a bit tired of hype and modern aggression from active systems. Now I'm going back to old fashion passive.
Does anyone have experience with trapezoidal Dynaudio M1 passive nearfield monitors?
Hi guys,
Budget is a concern with me. Also I'd like to soffit mount my monitors if I can.
Are there any very good reasons that you all know of to go with active, or passive monitors?
Any recommendations as far as great bang for the buck?
Davedog you mentioned that you were quite familiar with these monitors and that they need a good linear amplifier to achieve maximum performance. Could you, or anyone else here, recommend a few of amplifiers from differenct price ranges that would do the job. I am not really familiar with the intricacies of amplifiers and have no idea what a decent amp costs.
Hi all !
Just picked up a pair of Peavey EuroSys 2 passive monitors (for free!). What power amp would you recommend to match that?
Hi everybody,I'd like to have some feedback on the Spirit Absolute 2...
I cannot say i am a totally unlucky guy...some friend of mine who is leaving the country kinda of gave me a pair of Absolutes 2 and Samson Servo 170 amp...so the days of hi-fi monitors are finally over...
I know that the spirits are already a piece of museum...but mine are brand new! she never used it...