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digital multitrack recorder

Fostex VF160 ?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I might buy one for $250. Is this a good, easy way to build a small home/project studio?

I already have an outboard analoge/digital CD burner so I don't need the more expensive VF160EX (CD burner included) and I already have decent outboard gear. I'm switching from an old 8 track analoge TEAC to the digital domain.

Syncing Fostex VF160 mixing console with Cubase

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Submitted by anonymous on


Im trying to sync my Fostex VF160 mixing console with Cubase sx 2.0 using midi a single midi cable, is this enough?. Midi out from Audigy zs sound card to Midi in on the desk. I've been wrecking my brain going around all the sync settings on cubase, I think the desk settings are fine, but it aint syncing. Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Fostex VF-160

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Submitted by anonymous on


Has anyone used the VF-160? I bought one recently, and was curious about how it compares to other DAW's. It's my first one, so any tips special to the VF-160 would be appreciated. Thanks
