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nord lead

The Nord Lead is a series of virtual analog subtractive synthesizers, manufactured by Clavia. Released in 1994, the original Nord Lead was the digital synthesizer that made the term virtual analog synthesis popular. The now widely accepted term "virtual analog", was first coined by Clavia with the release of the Nord Lead. This synthesizer was distinctive for its red coloration, knob-laden surface and unique pitch-stick and modulation wheel. After the Nord Lead, several updates followed suit; such as the Nord Lead 2, Nord Lead 3, and Nord Lead 2x.

Nord Lead1 Question

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Submitted by anonymous on

i have a nord lead i got at guitar center used, for $200, its pretty beat up, its missing a D key, its got a weird mathmatical equation hidden under a psychadelic sticker of a man walking in space toward a burning sun, its pretty heavy stuff. This keyboard NO DOUBT belonged to a real lunitic before i got it, and I'm wondering where i can

A. get a new D key.