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nyquist theorem

The Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem is a theorem in the field of signal processing which serves as a fundamental bridge between continuous-time signals and discrete-time signals. Nyquist's theorem states that a periodic signal must be sampled at more than twice the highest frequency component of the signal. In practice, because of the finite time available, a sample rate somewhat higher than this is necessary. A sample rate of 4 per cycle at oscilloscope bandwidth would be typical.

Recording at high sample rates explained

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Submitted by pcrecord on

Hi gang,

I've been listening to this youtube channel for a few weeks and it's been twice that this subject as been discussed.

In the video he clearly demonstrate a reason why you'd want record at higher sample rates or carefully use plugins that has oversampling..

I hope to get your opinion on this.. ;)

Nyquist Theorem

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Submitted by anonymous on

A principle used by engineers when designing equipment for the digitization of analog signals. Due to the complex nature of sampling audio, the theory states that for any given sample rate, the maximum bandwidth of the analog source must fall below one half the sampling frequency. If this formula is not followed, errors in the form of aliasing will be introduced into the data file.

Analog I/O 101 - Classic vs. . Nyquist vs. . Nyquist

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Submitted by anonymous on

IF I understand correctly, you offer three kinds of analog I/O. The "Classic Analog", whixh is "essentially the same 24-channel, 48kHz AD/DA converters used in RADAR II", and therefore the same good sound that Radar's reputation was pretty much built upon, and then there are TWO Nyquist Analog I/Os.