Nuendo vs. . Cubase
This may be obvious to some people, but what is the difference between Nuendo and Cubase?
I'm used to reaper for multitrack recording and audition for wave editing, if that helps to correlate.
This may be obvious to some people, but what is the difference between Nuendo and Cubase?
I'm used to reaper for multitrack recording and audition for wave editing, if that helps to correlate.
I know its been discussed a million times, but most of the talks I've seen are pre-2003. Has anything changed in this argument?
OK...I gotta ask this it worth upgrading from Cubase SX to NU2? I know that NU2 has some cool new features (delay compensation throughout, for example)...but will I really gain any HUGE benefit? They are offerring a "loyalty" upgrade price of $699 to go to Nuendo 2.0.
OK...I want to open up this can of worms again because I don't think I have really heard a great explanation for it. Opus has mentioned that there are other threads here at RO that have "hashed this to death already" my mind, I am still a bit "unhashed" I guess...