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Multi-Track Recorder for an O2R (Hard Drive)

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 15:17

OK, so I bought 2 Yamaha digital consoles in 1998 (worked with them for about 6 years). Both 16 channels cascaded together. I've been using Tascam DA 88's and 38's for multi-track recording (digital tape). Now I want to move to a Hard Drive unit that will work with my O2R's. Any suggestions? Been out of the game for awhile... :(

Thanks in advance,
- tony

da/ad convertion: digi oo2r or oldschool hd?

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/21/2005 - 16:44

i'm currently building my recording rig. the ability to upgrade in the future is crucial. everything is cool except for one thing: the digital section.

i was contemplating getting the digi 002r thinking that i could use an Apogeeconverter or something of the sort.
aparently the 002's optical i/o only go up to 48khz. so i say to myself "what?"

DDX 3216 as midi controller for Pro Tools digiOO2r

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/23/2005 - 12:55

I am hoping some one here can help me out with this. I am trying to get the two units to communicate properly. I can actually get the 3216 to rewind,fast forward, and play recordings on pro tools but I can't figure out how to get the faders,pans,mutes or solos to work.

Does anyone here have a template or some thing? Any recomendations.




Foldback for O2R96

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 01/22/2005 - 09:13

I work in the recording studio of a medium size record label in Kolkata, India. We are in the process of changing our entire studio recording equipment. We will be using the O2R96 with Nuendo (MOTU interface).

I'm still very much on the learning curve as far as Nuendo and O2R96 are concerned. I have a specific problem and I hope someone can help me.