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Recording at high sample rates explained

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Submitted by pcrecord on

Hi gang,

I've been listening to this youtube channel for a few weeks and it's been twice that this subject as been discussed.

In the video he clearly demonstrate a reason why you'd want record at higher sample rates or carefully use plugins that has oversampling..

I hope to get your opinion on this.. ;)

Oversampling- Some practical advice needed.

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Submitted by anonymous on

I have read enough about oversampling to know that the process is for improving audio quality whereby converters sample at a higher rate than the base frequency, which facilitates the use of filters with a gentler slope (curtesy of audio terms) And given the vast amount of practical things one needs to learn about recording, that is enough of an understanding of oversampling for m


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Submitted by anonymous on

Used during analog to digital and digital to analog conversion and refers to the process whereby the converters sample at much higher rates than the base frequency. This allows the filters to be much gentler in slope, which results in less phase distortion in the audible spectrum.