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Recording classic vocal (baritone) and piano

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Submitted by Rudy Holland on
I'm asked to film a classic vocal and piano. Just for fun, no audience. In the past I've done some bigbandrecordings but this classic thing is a bit out of my confortzone. Filmwise I'll be ok but on the audioside I'm not Shure how to set up things. It's going to be recorded in an old barn with a wooden floor.

Recording Grand Piano (Classical)

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Submitted by GoldenBrahms on

I'm in need of some advice. I've recently taken a piano faculty position at a University, and have been given quite a bit of funding to use as I see fit and I'd like to dedicate a portion of it to a decent 2-mic setup. As a preface, I would like to say that we have an excellent engineer who has a ton of experience and an awesome equipment list. He's also a very busy man, and I don't want to bother him every time I want to do a bit of recording, especially since I tend to record at odd hours. To be clear, I do have plans for a solo classical album, and I will be exclusively going through him when I record it.

Recording upright piano (mic / pre-amp suggestions)

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Submitted by Jelly on

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. I have read quite a bit but want to keep it simple. I'm looking to purchase a pair of mics to record my upright piano in my living room. The living room has a fairly low ceiling and doesn't sound great, but ok. A engineer friend of mine suggested a pair of Neumann KM 184's. After some reading I feel like these might be too bright/harsh?

Bellow sound when notes are holding recording piano

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Submitted by Jane Johnson on

Can someone please help me? I am recording piano, then copy/paste to another track to change to other instrumentation using east/west. I can hear a bellow sound when notes are holding. What is going on? (My publisher hears it as well. I have replaced my pedal and the usb.)

Mix n Mastering feedback pleasey... Thank You All (COVID 19) (Voice n Piano)

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Submitted by Mach13 on

Hi folks, totally new here. Have been playing around with song writing for the last 10 years. I don't mind writing but recording and mixing (to end up with what I have in my head) is the difficult bit aint it! Steep learning curve.

Piano mics?

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Submitted by Warren Peterson on

I'm using a pair of DPA 4099's to mic my current grand piano, and they've have been ok, but I have a Steinway D coming in soon. Since I'll already likely be renting some different vocal mics to compare, I'm wondering if folks here have any mic recommendations for a very very large and resonant sound. Budget is probably 3,000 or less for the pair.

Cello and Piano Mics for small room

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Submitted by Joong-In Rhee on

I am recording cello and piano in a small-medium size room that is too bright and live acoustically - I can't really treat it except to put a blanket under the piano.

What mic setup would you all recommend? I always used X-Y stereo on 2 small diaphragm cardoid mics and a large diaphram cardoid as spot mic up close (6 inches).