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pipe organ

The pipe organ is a musical instrument that produces sound by driving pressurized air through the organ pipes selected from a keyboard. Because each pipe produces a single pitch, the pipes are provided in sets called ranks, each of which has a common timbre and volume throughout the keyboard compass.

Schoeps, Neumann and MH ULN-8 on pipe organ

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Submitted by _basso_ on


Very long time since I last wrote here, but now I'm back with my organ recordings. :)

Doing preparation for a pipe organ recording. So I went and tested some Schoeps CMC6 and CMC5, with capsule MK 2S and MK3. Neumann KM130 and all audio through the Metric Halo ULN8. What do you think about sound and the first impression of the recording?

DPA 4003 vs. . . (DPA 4006TL New files) on pipeorgan.

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Submitted by _basso_ on


I have tried sennheisers new mic MKH 8020 now in afternoon, and this is what we recorded.

Next week I shall try DPA:s 4003 and 4006TL side by side on my tripodstand and make a interesting A-B test.

Something about the Sennheiser mic, i think its a weery good mic :)

Recording a pipe organ

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am going to be recording a Pipe Organ in a Cathedral, and I was wonderin if anyone had a good techniques in capturing a great sonic sound. I will put a list below of a couple of microphones I was thinking about using.

(2) Sennheiser MKH20

(1) Neumann TLM 103

(2) Sennheiser MKH800

(2) AKG 414

(2) Neumann U87