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Phantom problem?

Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/07/2001 - 18:01

I happened to noitce in the middle of a session that my (phantom powered) B.L.U.E. mouse mic was not working (barely passing signal) when plugged into my VINTECH 1272 preamp. Oddly enough, it seems to work fine on other preamps, (TubeTech, Daking, etc). And also, oddly, other phantom mics like a TLM 103 continue to work fine on the Vintech.

S/PDIF problems

Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/03/2001 - 02:21

Hi I am having problems hooking up a S/PDIF cable to my hammerfall 9636 card and my Tascam da-30 dat machine. All I hear is white noise coming out of the RMEcard. I am using a 75 ohm (I think) monster video cable. I also tried a regular audio rca cable and was getting a cliping sound over and over again. I also wasnt to thrilled in my hunt to find this little piece of text.

RME adi-8pro ADAT optical problem

Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 09/10/2001 - 23:19

Hi I just purchased this unit used and it doesn't seem to be working properly. The person I bought it from said they would take it back so thats not the problem. The problem is that I can't get a digital signal into or out of the adc. The ADAT optical seems to be broken. I should note that at no time has there ever been light coming out of the toslink cable.