Quiz module
I wonder if this "quiz module might be a fun module to add for our community.
Question types included
- True or false
- Multiple choice
- Short answers
- Long answers
- Scale
- Question directions
- Matching
I wonder if this "quiz module might be a fun module to add for our community.
Question types included
A bit of light-hearted fun for the folk who are interested in microphones. I was hunting for a mic this afternoon and realised I had a few that were either old or less common - 17 mics arranged from tallest to shortest. I've blobbed out identifying marks to a degree. Some should be very easy - but getting 17 would be pretty hard I think?
A group I'm in to do lockdown quizzes - got us all to do a nominated round - I got given a bass round to do. Now it's over I'll share it if anyone is bored silly!
See how many you can score out of 20. http://www.thisdayinmusic.com/pages/classic_rock_quiz
I just opened up my home studio this past year (2009)
Spent about 10k on remodeling a room to be used as the studio.
When I owned my commercial studio I would take remodeling construction cost depreciation on form 4562
Where do i make this deduction if I'm claiming the studio as a 'home office'?
I think my choices are:
This is the last round.
You’ve all done extremely well. 8-)
There is a small chance for someone to claI'm the first prize aside from the obvious …., however that chance is fading fast. :(
Second Prize, on the other hand, is within the reach of a few of you….. :D
BRI: 325
PR0GR4M : 290
…..Ah yes the time has arrived for another Sebatron quiz. :D
This time the prize is a Cygnus X-2 valued at over $1200 USD….
Shipped directly from the Sebatron factory….
Any R.O members can enter,,,, and the rules are simple and fair…just like last time ……..hehehe…
What's the missing word?
Just one word please.
First correct post will be accepted.
30 points.
Your time starts now.
Get to it .
...good luck to all,,
and remember get to 500 points and you win the prize . .
The prize is a vmp-2000e valued at over $1200 USD….
Shipped directly from the Sebatron factory to you….
Each question may be worth anywhere from 5 points to 50 points or more. this one is worth 40 points if answered correctly. .
…..Ah yes the time has arrived for another Sebatron quiz. :lol:
This time the prize is a vmp-2000e valued at over $1200 USD….
Shipped directly from the Sebatron factory…. 8-)
Any R.O members can enter,,,, and the rules are simple and fair…just like last time ……..hehehe…