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Headphones as reference monitors?

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Submitted by took-the-red-pill on Mon, 03/07/2005 - 10:02

This comes out of the "Importance of great monitors" discussion:

One guy's opinion was that:

"The discussion happening here seems to largely consist of people talking at cross-purposes. Surely there are two types of 'monitor'.

1. A reference monitor for giving you maximum info on mic placement, source quality etc.

spectral analysis vs. . reference monitors

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 09/12/2004 - 10:15

I use Cubase SE for my home recording on a G4 iBook, and do not have any good reference system beyond a set of headphones. My question is whether I can use a spectral analyzer to produce a spectral profiile visually representing "good" sound without actually having a good reference system.

Looking for a portable pre-amp and a reference headphone AMP

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/21/2004 - 01:59

I plan on purchasing a marantz PMD670 or a Fostex FR-2 and I'll Be needing a dual channel or 2 single channel battery powered preamps.

Also I'd like to get a CLEAN uncolored headphone amp... My budget would be pretty tight so spending 1300$ on a reference headphone amp is sorta out of the question.

Reference Tracks

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Submitted by Stabb on Sat, 01/03/2004 - 10:18

Hi All,
I wanted to get good ref tracks so I:

Extracted the aiffs from production CDs using Toast.

Then used an audio editor to separate the L and R tracks into 2 mono.

Then loaded the files into my digital recorder (MX-2424) via file transfer (not real time).

Then played back on 2 adjacent channels for stereo (MX is connected to my 02r via TDIF).