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rode nt2


he NT2-A carries on the tradition forged by the now legendary RØDE NT2. A professional large 1" capsule studio microphone incorporating three-position

RODE NT2 Fault

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Submitted by western plumber on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 14:56

Hello, our well-used RODE NT2 condenser mic has developed a problem.

When Micing at low-levels it's fine in every way.
But when we use it for vocals or high-pressure stuff it only works for a couple of minutes. Then the audio fades over a few seconds to be replaced with a fading-in loud hiss. If we allow it to sit without any audio for a few seconds it recovers again.

RODE NT2-A, Audio-Technica AT3035, Studio Project C1 or Sterling Audio ST55,66 etc?

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Submitted by rainsong23 on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 02:41

Hi, I'm in the market for a condenser mike and am trying to decide which one to get. I've read a lot on here and reviews on musians friend and sweetwater about the ST55, 66 etc. Today I went to a music store and had the chance to listen to the RODE NT2-A and the AT3035. It seemed as if the AT was a bit brighter maybe, the RODE had some neat features like dual diaphram, and other knobs.


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Submitted by mannyr on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 17:07

I get a very airy, flat, thin sound. Then again I have a horrible voice and I intended to use it for a girl, not a male. Does anyone own this? Is it just my novice EQ'ing skills? Thanks!

RODE NT2-A for grand piano recording

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/28/2008 - 12:23

I am assembling gear for recording my grand piano in my living room. The room acoustic is pretty good, fairly well damped but I think sufficiently live for a pleasing sound. I don't really want to spend too much, certainly no more than $1500. I will be using the Focusrite Sapphire with my MacBook Pro.

[Edit: I forgot to say that for near-field monitoring I am using the Blue Sky EXO.]


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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 00:01

I am about to buy a 003 and some new microphones and was considering the RODE NT1a but soon realised that i had enough cash for the nt2a. My question is because the nt2a has different pads and polar pattern settings etc will it be just as good as a mic in the same price range thats focussed on a specific polar pattern etc..