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rode nt2a

Figure 8 mic

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Submitted by Tony Carpenter on Sat, 01/28/2017 - 03:55

Hi guys,

Not sure how it really happened, but I've never added a figure 8 capable mic to my locker. Still love my original At4033a and my original NT2 RODE . Now I've another RODE , NT2a. Looking forward to testing this as a room mic for acoustic guitar.


RODE NT2-A, Audio-Technica AT3035, Studio Project C1 or Sterling Audio ST55,66 etc?

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Submitted by rainsong23 on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 02:41

Hi, I'm in the market for a condenser mike and am trying to decide which one to get. I've read a lot on here and reviews on musians friend and sweetwater about the ST55, 66 etc. Today I went to a music store and had the chance to listen to the RODE NT2-A and the AT3035. It seemed as if the AT was a bit brighter maybe, the RODE had some neat features like dual diaphram, and other knobs.

RODE LDCs: NT2A vs. NT1A vs. NT1000

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/16/2009 - 11:00

Hi there,

The question is quite obvious from the subject of the post: I'm looking to buy my first LDC, and was wondering which of the above was best. It will be used mainly for vocals - male and female - so it will have to be quite versatile. It would be great if I could use it for other sources as well though (acoustic guitar, toms, strings).

RODE NT2-A for grand piano recording

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/28/2008 - 12:23

I am assembling gear for recording my grand piano in my living room. The room acoustic is pretty good, fairly well damped but I think sufficiently live for a pleasing sound. I don't really want to spend too much, certainly no more than $1500. I will be using the Focusrite Sapphire with my MacBook Pro.

[Edit: I forgot to say that for near-field monitoring I am using the Blue Sky EXO.]


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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 00:01

I am about to buy a 003 and some new microphones and was considering the RODE NT1a but soon realised that i had enough cash for the nt2a. My question is because the nt2a has different pads and polar pattern settings etc will it be just as good as a mic in the same price range thats focussed on a specific polar pattern etc..

Recording vocals, NT2A or AT4040, which is better?

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Submitted by Captjono on Tue, 12/27/2005 - 02:49

Hi all,

Just interested as to what people thought was the better mic between the RODE NT2A and the AudioTech. AT4040 - for recording vocals (and acoustic instruments)?

I have looked at some prices, and in Australia the 4040 seems to be more expensive then the NT2A, but in the US the 4040 seems to be cheaper?

Is there something I'm missing here?