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royer sf-12

Royer SF-12 with Fetheads vs. Royer SF-24

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Submitted by rojarosguitar on

I wonder how the Royer SF-24 active stereo ribbon would compare to the passive Royer SF-12 run through FetHead or Cloudlifter impedance matching preamps?

Does anybody have experience of comparing first hand? Is SF-24 quieter? Better sounding? Or maybe not?

Comments very much appreciated!

Royer SF-12 on overheads

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Submitted by BobRogers on

So my Royer SF-12 came today. I'm in love. Tried it on drum overhead. Just the damned stereo mic 2 feet over the center of the kit in Blumlein. I'm blown away. A beautiful image of the whole kit. Best picture of the cymbals I've heard. Lovely natural sound of the toms. For some genres I guess you'd mic them individually, but not for the country/folk/blues/Americana stuff I'm doing now.

Giving the SF12 Another go...

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Submitted by Cucco on

Okay - so in the past, I tried a used SF12 and didn't much care for it. However, I've got a few extra thousand dollars in the budget right now, so I thought I'd give it a try again. Besides, I'm sure that with a little more experience and the right pres and the right placement, I might actually like this thing again since I've been using my Beyers with more and more success lately.

PEQ for Royer SF12

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Submitted by Duckman on

Dear Friends,

I've recently purchased a Royer SF12 for choral recording and am now interested in getting a good quality PEQ plugin for tweaking of said SF12 output. Not being flush with cash, I'd like to hear about 'best bang for buck' options, while attempting to remain relatively high-end quality wise, if that is at all possible.

Royer SF12 placements

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Submitted by Cucco on

Okay - so it's no secret that I had a Royer SF 12 not too long ago and sold it because I ultimately didn't like it.

However, I am quickly beginning to think that it was my failures which caused me to dislike the mic and not the mic's failures. In truth, the tone I got from the mic was beautiful, the biggest problem was the balance.