One-bit Audio Consortium - the future of SACD?
I have noted that Korg in relation to their presentation of the MR-1000 on their webpages mention something called the "One-bit Audio Consortium".
Anybody who knows about this?
I have noted that Korg in relation to their presentation of the MR-1000 on their webpages mention something called the "One-bit Audio Consortium".
Anybody who knows about this?
I'm considering recording audio in the DSD format and would like to know how I transfer the recorded files to files that are put on an SACD. My searches on the internet have not revealed much software that do this (whatever the reason for that?)
At last, a paper in a definitive journal. My AES membership is worth the price. Reading it now.
This is the question. I have heard rumours, some quite reliable that it has "gone to meet its maker".
Anyone have any info that is "solid"? Also I guess this applies to DVD-A as well.
The big news seems to be HD DVD.
Comments, abuse, invective, seething injustices ?
Please participate in this discussion:
Philips Announces Pro Tools DSD Plug-In & SACD Creation Tools
hey, check this cool info:
Philips Announces Pro Tools DSD Plug-In & SACD Creation Tools
I was wondering if the redbook-CD part on an SACD comes from the same premaster as the SACD part.(apart from the fact that the end-format is different offcourse.)
Reason I ask is because comparisons wouldn't be valid really if the one version is the original redbook master and the other a remastered version.
I attended a demo for 5.1 surround SACD at Sony music studios this past Thursday evening.
I just did, and it sounded pretty damn good. Good fat low end, sick definition and imaging, highs that don't hurt. Who else has heard one of these things?
Ok, I have had my copy of Pink Floyds "Dark side of the moon" on SACD and I am wondering who has this and your thoughts. I am writing a detailed review of this for an upcoming issue here at (RO)
This SACD is presented in 3 formats on the single CD.
1. Redbook layer 16 bit 44.1K Stereo