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society motion picture television engineers


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Submitted by anonymous on

Originally used by the military for rocket launches, SMPTE time code is a standardized way of referencing the 24-hour period. Based around the video frame, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers identify frames and sub frames with a unique identifier that includes hours, minutes, seconds, frames and sub frames.

SMPTE to MTC / Word Clock in Pro Tools LE? What is What?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Heres the scenario: I am trying to transfer 8 tracks of analog (one with SMPTE) into my computer using a SMPTE to MTC (JL Cooper) box into a Midi to USB cable (sync) through a pair of nice converters. This forces me to dump tracks two at a time and line them up by hand in PT.


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Submitted by Sidhu on

Wondering, why dont sequencers and the like have buit in SMPTE decoders. Steinberg products in this case. I would suppose having a SMPTE setup option where you define which audio input channel is recieving SMPTE. The decoding happens within the DAW.

that aside, which is the cheapest SMPTE - MTC stand alone converter in the market ?



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Submitted by anonymous on

hi all, my english is not so good, sorry

i need an interface that can convert the MTC (generated via midi from Pro Tools) to SMPTE (recived by my Tascam tm-d4000).

which kind of converter i must buy?

thanks in advance


Striping SMPTE to DAW?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Quick question. (damn, I'm full of alliteration today)

My Ghost desk reads SMPTE and can automate mutes for a mix. A have used this feature before when tracking to tape in order to both sync the computer and do the mutes. I suddenly thought: why couldn't I strip code to a track in the computer when not hotting tape, and fire the mute automation with that?