Silent computer?
What do you do about noise from your computer (fans, coil whine, HDD spinning and writing) getting into your quiet recordings? Obviously, SSDs are a way to prevent HDD access noise. What about the other issues?
What do you do about noise from your computer (fans, coil whine, HDD spinning and writing) getting into your quiet recordings? Obviously, SSDs are a way to prevent HDD access noise. What about the other issues?
Currently I'm recording on my 2007 vintage laptop. It was smokin' fast and powerful in 2007 and I have no issues with performance as far as recording goes with it now -- but it's very loud as it has two internal fans that I cannot turn off.
Is there a silent, cheap and portable recording solution for recording 4 tracks simultaneously at 24bit/88.2khz using my MOTU traveler mk1.
I can currently do this using my vintage P4/3ghz/1gbram laptop, but the laptop fan noise can be an issue and it's more cumbersome than necessary.
I have just registered with and am in desperate need of help!
OK. This cockamamy idea will probably get me branded as a physics phool and an airflow airhead. OR -- I'm giving away a money-making idea for free.
Here it is:
Count Rumford Meets Steve Jobs
Hello DAW folks,
Firstly great forum and some quality posts.
As a new visitor I could really do with some kind factual cautions and encouragment.
I have been considering taking a perverse root to making a very compact and virtually silent DAW from a new Shuttle barebones SS51 system base
Hi everybody
My old AMD K2 450 MHz just crashed, and I`m tired of fixing the damn box every month. So I`ll build myself a new DAW. I`m so glad that there`s this forum, I don`t know what I would have done without you.