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keyboard stand

Best home made keyboard stand EVER!

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Submitted by Tony Carpenter on

I was reminiscing today. Back in 1988 or 89 my brother in law who’s a handyman at all sorts welded this together for me.

Note my Alesis Quadraverb and Yamaha TX81z mounted as well. Keyboards are a Roland Jupiter 6 and a Roland D20. I think there’s a delay pedal on the Jupiter 6, I did use one though at one point.

Anybody Know the Best Deal on a Sturdy Keyboard Stand?

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Submitted by Dizzi45Z on

I have a CME UF8 keyboard which weighs something close to 50 pounds. I am currently using a stand with it that worked great for my previous 15 pound keyboard. However, this stand rocks the keyboard when you try to play anything fancy on it. Is anybody familiar with a keyboard stand that is rock solid and doesn't cost an arm and a leg? Thanks in advance.