acoustic solutions for poor stereo image
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
It's been a unusually diverse month. In the past few weeks I've provided PA for a good up-and-coming Christian pop/rock band from down NC way, a rapper, a motivational speaker, and a classic rock band. In addition to remote recordings for a blues/rock band, we had another first of recording Broadway style vocal numbers (solos and duets) with piano accompaniment.
Hello everybody!
I proudly present the first plugin that tells you where to put the mics!
Its a little application that I wrote in Flash. It calculates with the "stereo recording angle" (SRA). You can use it to find the right arrangement for your mics at a stereo recording. Its also nice just for understanding how stereo imaging works... Just check it out!
I was just playing around with a stereo imaging tool when I came upon something I don't really understand. When an instrument is dead center, presumably (Correct me if I'm wrong at any point), it sounds dead center because it is playing equal volumes out of each speaker, making the brain perceive it as center.
hey guys. I have a problem the recent song we're working on. I don't know where to put the instruments. I have the following tracks, all in mono:
drum overheads (only had access to one cardioid mic)
lead guitar
bass guitar
synth pad
i want to know if its necessary when panning to keep intruments away from voices in the stereo field? like if i pan voices like 9 o'clock an intruments fa left far right or visa versa
I didn't really know whether to put this in Mastering or Mixing, then I decided it had more to do with touching up rather than initial construction.
How many of you guys use a stereo expander to obtain more clarity in mastering . and if you don't what other methods you use to clear up the two track stereo mix?