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syncing audio

Help with Syncing Audio Tracks?

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Submitted by mark on

Can anyone please give me some tips and techniques for syncing up audio tracks? I'm using Nuendo, which I love very much, but I'm having one helluva hard time getting my audio tracks syncopated and tight with each other. There's gotta be some basic methodology or some tricks that I'm missing here. I know some of you have this one down... can you please help a brother out?

Help Syncing Audio Tracks?

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Submitted by mark on

Can anyone please give me some tips and techniques for syncing up audio tracks? I'm using Nuendo, which I love very much, but I'm having one helluva hard time getting my audio tracks syncopated and tight with each other. There's gotta be some basic methodology or some tricks that I'm missing here. I know some of you have this one down... can you please help a brother out?