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TL Audio VP-1

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Submitted by anonymous on

About a month ago I bid on a TL Audio VP-1 mic preamp ( click here to listen ) on the big auction site we all know and love... :roll: Amazingly enough, I turned out to be the ONLY bidder and won the item for a little over 900 bucks (US buckaroos, that is), including shipping.

SPL Channel One and TL Audio 5051 mk2 comparison

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Submitted by anonymous on


Newbie to this forum.

I'm on my way to purchase a budget micpreamp. Have found two good deals on two separete products; a SPL Channel One and a TL Audio 5051 mk2. The SPL is second hand and the 5051 is brand new. The prices for them are about the same (990USD for the 50501, 1070USD for the SPL)

TL Audio M4 console

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Submitted by anonymous on

Have anybody tried this console (I mean TL Audio M4 valve)?

We're going to buy a new desk to our studio to have a possibility to work in analog domain (Pro Tools->Apogee AD/DA->?Desk) and this console perfectly fits our budget (around $10k for a desk).