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total harmonic distortion

Millennia Media M-2b discontinued

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Submitted by audiokid on

Wow, I just heard the Millennia M-2b is discontinued for good, no more made. If I won the lottery I would have 24 channels of those and call it completed. They are simply outstanding. I feel blessed to have at least 2 channels. I guess I have what will go down as one of the worlds most amazing preamps. The M-2b are now Vintage.

Equipment for switching music between recording and DJ

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Submitted by DrewZ312 on

I could really use some advice on choosing equipment. I have a custom built PC and I want to be able to switch back and forth between music production (recording), DJ (both live and recording) and listening to music with as much quality as possible. In other words switchable between flat and non-flat. Where I am especially lost is the USB Audio Interface and DAC.

How to start recording on tape

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Submitted by MrPhaSe on

I've taken an interest in recording on a reel-to-reel recently.

I'd love to have a better understanding of which reel-to-reel to buy.(maybe an 8 track?)

How to send audio to it(are there inputs on a reel to reel?)

And after i've recorded the audio, how to get the audio to a different format(How to dump it to pro tools)

Help With Learning Calibration Procedure For 1/2" 8 Tracks.

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Submitted by Jmoog on

Hello, I recently acquired two 1/2", 8 track machines - a Tascam TSR-8 and a Tascam 38. Both are in very good condition.

I own a de-magnetizer and I know the heads will have to be de-magnetized occasionally as well as cleaning of the metal and rubber moving parts in the tape path.

I'm CONFUSED adding more subwoofers

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Submitted by liveit777 on

OK. I know this isn't a live sound forum, but I was hoping somebody here could help me out. Here's what I've got.

Mackie M2600 poweramp -500 watts per channel into 8 ohms

850 watts per channel into 4 ohms

1300 watts per channel into 2 ohms

1700 watts into 8 ohms bridged mono

2600 watts into 4 ohms bridged mono


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Submitted by anonymous on

Total Harmonic Distortion. All electronic devices add some form of distortion to a signal passing through them. In audio, one form of distortion is the addition of harmonics that are not present in the original signal. THD is a measurement of this and is represented as a ratio of the total of all the harmonics added against the original signal at the output of the device.

Prism ADA-8XR multi-channel modular AD/DA converter

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Submitted by anonymous on

This is definitely on my wish list for next year. Thanks for pointing me to this Greener.

Its pricy ( 13,305.00) but looks like it has everything one would want in a high-endconverter. Take those Cubase or Sonar DAW systems to a new level.

Has anyone had any experience with this beauty? Is there anything else out there that comes close to the ADA-8XR?