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Power surges, transients and other bad stuff.

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Submitted by Bonze on

Hello all! New user, first time poster. I have been recording live music for 20+ years generally in the capacity of a musician in a band, via analog four track or more recently the stand-alone digital units, specifically a Fostex VF160. I have been recorded in a professional recording studio several times, so although I am not a "newbie" per se, this activity is always a learning experience.

Transient designer !

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Submitted by anonymous on

WOW!. I just received my new SPL AUDIO, Transient Designer 4 and was impresed at what I could do with it! my primary reason for getting it was to have something extra to play with in reference to my kick and snare. I'm REALLY surprised that I havn't heard more about it in this forum. (definatly the closest thing to a "silver bullet" that I have ever experienced).